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Our Wessex family of schools

Eco Schools

Eco-Schools 2023-2024

Our Eco-Schools committee is made up of two children from each year group. The children all volunteered to be on the committee and two of the year 4 children represent our Reception class. The committee: 

Year 1 - Fern and Lydia

Year 2 - Lexi and Wolf

Year 3 - Matilda and Olivia

Year 4 - Emily and Tobias

Emily is our committee secretary and takes the minutes at our meetings. 

Our Eco Code 

This was created by the Frome Valley Eco Committee.

Our Eco Schools Topics and Aims for the year are:

  • Litter- To reduce the amount of litter in and around school.
  • Water- To use less water and reduce the school’s water bill.
  • Global Citizenship- For adults, friends and families from school to use sustainable palm oil products.

Please read and take action from our Sustainable Palm Oil leaflet created by the Eco Committee!