Mental Health and Wellbeing
At Frome Valley First School, we know the importance of mental health and wellbeing in both staff and pupils. We also understand that we need to work with children on strategies for mental wellbeing before there is an issue. For a child to learn well, they need to be supported in their wellbeing.
Trauma Informed Schools
Our Headteacher (Julie Thorp) and our Reception Teacher (Sophie Padfield) are both Level 5 trained Trauma Informed Schools practitioners. Our Preschool Manager (Gemma Newman) is also a trained Trauma Informed Schools practitioner. All members of staff have been trained in Trauma Informed Schools practices. We focus on positive attachments between children and staff and for children to have an emotionally available adult there for them. We also work individually with children who need support to deal with the trauma they have experienced in their lives whether this is abuse, bereavement or parent separation etc... We treat every child as an individual, but we know that for a child, their behaviour is often a sign of their emotional turmoil and, to improve and support their behaviour, we need to support their emotional wellbeing.
Trauma Informed Schools Parent Information Evenings
Each year, we hold two parent information evenings on Trauma Informed Schools practices. These information evenings focus on such areas as: the chemicals in the brain; different types of trauma; attachment; bereavement; anxiety and anger.
Wellbeing Days
Each term, we begin with a wellbeing day. This focusses on strategies for mental wellbeing so that children have these strategies to use when they need them. We also, in the afternoon, focus on anti-bullying.
Our PSHCE curriculum includes mindfulness in every lesson.
Additional Support
We use many everyday trauma informed practices to support children in their mental health and wellbeing. Sometimes, children may need extra support. This can be through working with our trained ELSA or through our Hamish and Milo Wellbeing Groups or, occasionally, through working one-to-one with one of our Trauma Informed Schools practitioners.
Useful Resources
We will continue to add a range of resources and links to support you with mental wellbeing at home.
Place2Be - How to support your child's mental health
NHS Every Mind Matters - Looking after a child or young person's mental health
Anna Freud Centre - help and support for children's mental health