SEN Provision
Useful Information
The SENCO at Frome Valley First School is: Miss Rachel Dixon
The school Governor for SEND is: Mrs Elizabeth De Bardi If you need to speak to the School SENCO, then please phone the school office or email the SENCO.
Tel: 01305 852643
Email: sen@fromevalley.dorset.sch.uk
When a child is recognised as having SEND they will be recorded on the school SEND register using the following codes:
N | No SEND needs |
K | Child identified as requiring SEND support |
E | Child has an existing Education Health and Care Plan |
Area of Need | |
C & L | Cognition and Learning Needs |
C & I | Communication and Interaction Needs |
SEMH | Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs |
S & P | Sensory and Physical Needs |
Please read the following information report to find out more about Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision at Frome Valley First School.
Everyone involved in the life of the school work together as a team to provide a happy, safe and stimulating environment in which your child can learn, grow and flourish. We aim to nurture each child as an individual, enabling them to achieve their full potential and prepare them for the years that lie ahead as they grow into young adults. At the heart of our school is the belief that we all share values that help us to be responsible, respectful and caring members of society. We are very proud of the Christian ethos of our school and our belief that citizenship and a sense of community are as important as academic achievements. The school has experience of working with children with a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), including those with Autism, speech and language difficulties and learning needs in Literacy and Numeracy. The school is not a specialised base for a particular SEND but is able to accommodate a wide range of needs as required, with support from the Local Authority and external agencies. Children’s progress is tracked and monitored regularly by the class teacher. Feedback from activities is collected through observational notes and discussions with all members of the classroom team. This data is monitored by the SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator) and the Head teacher through regular meetings with teaching staff.
What do I do if i think my child requires extra support?
If a parent thinks that their child may need extra support, the first point of contact will be the class teacher. The class teacher will then discuss the child with the SENDCO and arrange a meeting between parents and the school.
If your child is identified as requiring additional support, whole class and small group activities will be planned on an individual basis to allow the child to access at their level. Your child may receive support from a TA during the lesson. If the child does not show improvement, despite additional support within the classroom, the SENDCO will arrange a meeting with parents to discuss potential specialist assessments that may indicate an underlying SEND.
When a child is identified as having SEND, support is introduced on a needs-led basis (eg, if a child requires a TA for literacy, this can be arranged within the classroom, if a child is deemed to need 1:1 support (inside or outside the classroom), this can be timetabled where appropriate). All children on the SEND register will be tracked and monitored by the school SENDCO and effective support strategies identified and discussed with all staff who work with the child. Further details can be found in our SEN Information Report.
The school encourages independence in SEND children, where appropriate, and believes in quality first teaching from the class teacher as an essential element in supporting children with SEND. Support staff work closely with the teacher and SENDCO to deliver effective support, however also understand the importance of setting achievable goals so that the child is able to develop as an independent learner.
Achievement Plans (Individual Education Plans IEP)
Every child on the school SEND register will have an Achievement Plan (Individual Education Plan IEP). This plan is created termly in consultation with the child, parents, SENDCO, class teacher and any external agencies involved with the child. Prior to the parent meeting, the class teacher and child will discuss how the child feels they are doing in their learning. Parents, the pupil and the class teacher will then meet to create a new Achievement Plan for the coming term. The Achievement Plan meeting begins by identifying the child's existing strengths from the perspective of the child, parent and class teacher. It then sets out detailed and specific targets for the child, teacher and parents to work towards. This is a collaborative process with input from all stakeholders. The plan identifies any support the child will need to complete these targets as well as detailing any interventions that the child will receive in school. An opportunity to discuss and record any Home-School links is also included. Achievement Plans are reviewed termly (October/February/May) and the child, parent and teacher are asked to contribute to a review against the suggested targets, identifying successes and areas for development. All Achievement Plans are signed off by the SENDCO and are designed to be working documents, updated and annotated as progress is made. Parents will receive a copy of the Achievement Plan. The Achievement Plan will also be shared with all staff working with the child.
DORSET SENDIASS is a service for parents of pupils with SEN. It offers impartial, confidential, accurate and free information, advice and support to Dorset children, young people (0-25) and their families. Please read the leaflet below for more information or follow the link to the SENDIASS website.