Frome Valley Mock Elections - July 2024

With the general election taking place on 4.7.24, Frome Valley First School decided to hold its own mock elections as part of our British Values work.
Three candidates were chosen to represent three colour groups: the orange group, the purple group and the green group. The 3 candidates had to create their manifesto of how they would improve the school. These manifestos were not always truthful and seemed to include promises to influence the voters!!!
The candidates presented their manifestos to the school and then spent two days campaigning for votes at break and lunchtime. Finally, on Wednesday 3rd July (as it was Transfer Day on Thursday 4th July), all the children in the school voted for their chosen party. All children had polling cards and presented these cards at the polling station in the hall before voting in the voting booths and posting their votes into the ballot box.
The School Council organised voting day and helped Miss Thorp count the votes (we recounted them to make sure we were accurate too!).
At the end of the school day, the results were announced in a special assembly.
Well done to the 3 candidates (Phoebe, Rihanna and Evelyn). A huge well done, particularly, to the Green Candidate (Phoebe) who won the Frome Valley election.